Small changes can have massive effect on global warming

Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)
Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)

Latest article from Angela Terry

Green Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and here she explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit for more advice.

Q: When it comes to stopping global warming, do small changes really matter?

A: Yes, of course! The climate crisis is a daunting global problem and the world’s governments have to work together to tackle pollution and fund resilience.

But that doesn’t mean that our personal choices aren’t important. They’re crucial.

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Heating and cars

Energy and transport are the two biggest sources of greenhouse gases in the UK. If we all change the choices we make – especially in terms of how we heat our homes and travel around – we can make a huge impact on our carbon footprint.

In fact, we won’t get to net zero without us consumers embracing clean technologies.

It’s not about turning back time or living in caves. Going green is about making our society healthier, wealthier and cleaner. The good news is that many of the key changes will save us money.

For example, insulating our homes will not only stop cold draughts but substantially cut heating bills.

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Walking more or jumping on a bike will make you healthier and happier too.

Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)
Cycling for health and happiness (photo: Adobe)

Spending power

Money is power. Every time we buy something, we are making a choice.

And if we make positive choices, it all adds up.

We don’t need a handful of people doing sustainability perfectly.

We need everyone doing it as best they can.

Be the change

It’s not about individual actions or system change. We need both. They’re interlinked. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” said Mahatma Gandhi.

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One of the best ways to change a system is to lead by example and create a ripple effect among your peers. And companies notice consumer trends.

Climate change requires a big shift – we need to halve our carbon emissions in ten years. We need the environment to become a key consideration for everyone when they’re spending money.

And you can start today – maybe walk your kid to their friend’s house instead of driving them or cook a meat-free meal.

Sharing your changes

When you make a green change to your life – like holidaying in Britain, buying an e-bike or sticking insulating tape around draughty windows – it’s important to share this with friends and family. Telling people is key when it comes to normalising such behaviours.

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By sharing that you’re taking the train instead of a flight or fitting solar panels, you are promoting real action on climate change. Fixing global warming i