Some of the guests who attended Mid Ulster Loneliness Network's Celebration Event in the Burnavon, Cookstown.Some of the guests who attended Mid Ulster Loneliness Network's Celebration Event in the Burnavon, Cookstown.
Some of the guests who attended Mid Ulster Loneliness Network's Celebration Event in the Burnavon, Cookstown.

Pictures: Good turnout for Mid Ulster Loneliness Network’s Celebration Event

The Mid Ulster Loneliness Network recently hosted a Celebration Event in the Burnavon, Cookstown.

The turnout from our local community far exceeded our expectations and highlights the need for this type of event to be held more regularly.

The Network’s objective is for its member groups to work together to address loneliness and isolation in Mid Ulster Council area.

The Agewell Partnership ensured that the most vulnerable and isolated members living in rural areas were included at the event by working alongside Cookstown Community Transport.

Network members provided stands on the day with invaluable information. This was the first social event that many of our guests had attended since before Covid and were so appreciative of it saying it has now given them the confidence to attend further activities. Mid Ulster District Council ‘Age Friendly Strategy & 3 year Action Plan was also launched by Ryan Black.

Raisa Donnelly, Age Friendly Co Ordinator outlined activities lined up for ‘Positive Ageing Month – October.