Reunion for ‘Pre Fab’ dwellers of the Shore Road

A committee of local residents from the Shore Road are currently working to organise a reunion of people who live or have lived on the Shore Road and in the ‘Pre Fabs’.

As part of the evening’s events they hope to have a rolling Powerpoint display of photographs of the residents past and present.

To prepare for the display they are asking if anyone has any photographs that they would like to have 

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The photographs can be left with Michael McQuade at his shop on the Shore Road. If the photographs could be put into an envelope bearing the owner’s name and phone number they will be very well looked after and returned promptly.

This event promises to be a great opportunity for the people of the Shore Road to get together and relive old events and catch up ‘on the bids’.

The proposed date for the reunion is Saturday, October 11 in the Woodville Arms and over the next few weeks more information will be made available.

So if you are, or were, a resident of the Shore Road and ‘Pre Fabs’ this is definitely a date for your diary.